ADULT Services

Coming to WHITTIER, CA at the end of 2024!!

Join our Adult Services WaitList below!!

In addition to our Learning Center, Summer program and Music Therapy, we are excited to announce a new Adult Services program! As always, we will approach and support our attendees with the presumption of competence. Though plans are still in the work, we will offer academic, social/emotional, vocational and adaptive skills support for our attendees. While on campus, support services will include one staff to three attendees. However, for community interactions and vocational support, our attendees will have one-to-one support to maintain individual needs and safety.

For our differently and non-speaking applicants, we ask that some form of alternative communication strategies be in place. This may include yes/no options, choice-boards or symbolic choice programs such as Proloquo2Go.

For those interested, please note that funding options will include Self-Determination and private pay.

Once you’ve joined the WaitList we will contact you in the order joined and provide links to our Orientations and policies. Thank you for your patience as we grow…more to come!

Join our Adult Services WaitList!