LEARNING CENTER Frequently ASKED Questions

  • Where are you located and what are your hours of operation?

    Our Learning Center classroom is located on the campus of Christian Life Church at 3400 Pacific Ave, Long Beach, CA 90807. Our Outside Play takes place in our Director’s gated and secure backyard—only a few minutes drive away!

    Our Learning Center is open Monday-Thursday from 9:30am-2pm.

  • What grade levels do you accept?

    We are currently enrolling homeschool Learners in grades 4th through 8th.

    Space is limited, however enrollment is open year-round.

  • What subjects do you cover?

    We utilize Khan Academy curriculum for Math. This curriculum is matched to each Learner’s level. We also provide at least 60 minutes per day for outside play/movement. Each Learner also picks a monthly project of their own. Our staff supports the Learner to explore and research a subject they find interesting. This may include topics such as Science, English, History, or Art.

  • What is your daily schedule?

    9:30-10am: Arrival

    10: Math

    10:45-11: Snack/Movement break

    11: Project-Based Learning

    11:45am-12:30pm: Lunch

    12:30pm: Drive to Outside Play

    12:30-1:30pm: Outside Play

    1:30pm: Drive back to campus

    1:45-2pm: Dismissal

    To go from and return to our Learning Center for Outside Play, our Director and staff provide transportation for the 3-5 minute drive. All staff are required to pass background checks and maintain current auto registration and insurance.

  • Do you provide grades or transcripts?

    No, we are not a grade-based organization. For those interested in grades/transcripts, we recommend exploring Homeschool Charter programs.

  • You're not a grade-based organization. How do you measure progress?

    Every Learner participates in creating goals and objectives for their time with us. These goals are decided on by their team, which typically includes our staff, the family and the Learner. We have monthly team meetings to assess the progress on those goals and work together to update or change based on progress.

    Additionally, the curriculum we access through Khan Academy tracks progress and through our Google Classroom page, we communicate progress.

  • Do you offer IEP support?

    It is important for any interested applicants to research if and how your school district addresses homeschooled students. The I’mPerfect Place is not licensed to provide IEP services.

  • What kind of accommodations do you use in the classroom?

    Because we view movement and differences in movement as critical issues for our Learners, we offer a variety of ‘seating’ options. For many of our Learners, the traditional desk or table and chair arrangement is hard to tolerate for long periods of time. We therefore offer bean bags, blankets and different styles of chairs for our Learners to utilize. We take a least to most approach thus allowing our Learners to determine which type of position feels best for them.

    We also have various adaptive equipment to support movement or postural differences.

  • How do you handle upsets?

    First of all, we view upsets as communication. The Learner is communicating either a discomfort or frustration. We also acknowledge the difference between frustration and sensory overload. Most often, the Learner is overwhelmed and having a hard time re-regulating. We therefore take a least to most strategy with upsets. We offer a separate, quiet space with minimal sensory input to allow the Learner to re-regulate. When appropriate, we will offer support for communication once we feel the Learner is safe to both themselves and others. We will not shame or punish our Learners for upsets knowing these events are deeply stressful for the Learner. If a conflict has occurred between individuals, we offer a reparative opportunity to build relationships within our Community.

  • What if a Learner becomes physically unsafe to themselves or others?

    Because our staff is trained in a least to most crisis management, we use minimal touch whenever possible. We are trained in safe & effective techniques to maintain safety for the Learner and their peers. In order to maintain compliance to these philosophies, our classroom is equipped with both audio and video recording. These are used for training purposes and as a way to document our work.

  • Do you provide alternative communication training?

    No, unfortunately we do not provide training for alternative communication. Our staff is trained in supporting those who are already trained and utilize these communication techniques daily. We are, however, able to refer anyone interested to professionals who do provide this training.

    Please visit Kindred Communication to learn more!

    It is important for applicants to understand that in order for us to adequately support our differently-speaking Learners, those interested MUST have access to and experience with a reliable, competence-based communication strategy. This may include yes/no options, choice-boards or symbolic choice programs such as Proloquo2Go.

  • What does 'presuming competence' mean?

    The presumption of competence is a strengths-based philosophy we endorse at The I’mPerfect Place. We presume all individuals have the ability to learn, think and understand. Through individualized accommodations, we support our Learners to attain their goals.

  • When you use the term 'sensorimotor' what do you mean?

    There is growing scientific evidence showing that neurodevelopmental differences demonstrate disruptions in both sensory input and motor output. Built into the presumption of competence is an understanding that many of our Learners have a difficult time controlling their body movements. We therefore view our Learners’ movement differences as key to understanding their experiences and allows us to best support their learning process.

  • What are the costs to attend The I'mPerfect Place?

    A $700 deposit is required at the time of enrollment. This is credited to the last month’s tuition. The monthly tuition costs are $1400 for one Learner and $1000 for any siblings from the same household. Payment is accepted through our website and is automatically collected on the 1st of each month. Should a Learner decide to conclude their time with us before the end of the month or end of our “school year,” we will prorate tuition and provide a refund for your deposit.

    In addition to the math curriculum support and project-based learning, included in your monthly tuition are goals/objectives assessment and progress, and monthly team meetings with our staff.

  • How many staff members do you employ?

    We provide one staff member to every three Learners. If we feel a Learner needs more individualized support, we discuss with the family how to best achieve success. If a 1-1 aide is determined to be important for the Learner’s progress, it is the responsibility of the family to both find and compensate the aide.

  • If our Learner needs a 1-1 aide, does The I'mPerfect Place train them?

    While we are happy to help support the aide during their time at our facility, we are not able to provide direct training in communication techniques or behavioral approaches. We do, however, ask that all aides take our two-part Orientation prior to attending in order to cover the basics of our program and philosophy.

  • Is your staff CPR trained?

    Yes, at least one staff is CPR trained and will be present in order to help with any unforeseen medical emergencies. Families will be notified immediately of such events.

  • Are you vendored with any Homeschool Charter programs?

    At this time, The I’mPerfect Place is not vendored with Charter programs.

  • How do I register my Learner in Homeschool?

    Below is a link to the CA Department of Education’s homeschooling website for you to research homeschooling options. We require all Learners to be enrolled in their own Homeschool and we will help guide interested applicants on how to complete this enrollment during our Orientation.

    California Department of Education Homeschool

Let’s Get STARTED!

All interested Learners must complete our Intake Form online. In lieu of an Application Fee, we require those interested to attend our 2-part virtual Orientation to learn more about our program and answer your questions.

We know there are many approaches to supporting neurodevelopmental differences. We want to make sure we’re a good fit for you and your family. We therefore may determine we are not the best placement for your needs.

In order for us to adequately support our differently-speaking Learners, those interested MUST have access to and experience with a reliable, competence-based communication strategy. This may include yes/no options, choice-boards or symbolic choice programs such as Proloquo2Go.

STEP 1: Visit our Learn More Page to complete our Intake Form.

STEP 2: When Intake Form is submitted, you will see a link and instructions to register for our Orientation.

STEP 3: Once BOTH parts of the Orientation are completed, we will contact you to complete our application and in-person tour.

STEP 4: Submit application and complete your tour.

Official acceptance to The I’mPerfect Place will be decided after your tour. We understand that along the way you may decide we are not the best option for you. At any point, you may withdraw your application.